Educator, Publisher & Equestrian

Piper Klemm is the owner and publisher of The Plaid Horse. Her mission is to educate young equestrians in every facet of our industry and to empower young women in particular to find their voices and stories—and to share them.
She has spent her entire career focusing on education through various channels, including The Plaidcast, North America’s most listened-to horse show podcast; co-authoring the Show Strides book series; and by providing educational articles, grants, and experiential learning opportunities for riders of all ages and levels. She earned her Ph.D. in Chemistry at the University of California, Berkeley.
Piper lives in Hartford, Connecticut, with her husband, Adam Hill. Adam is a Chemistry Professor at Trinity College. She owns a fleet of lease ponies and competes in the Amateur Hunter divisions with MTM Sandwich.
Piper's CV is available here.